Great photo from the Sparta Yield PRO corn plot showing the impressive early season growth of 196-77STX.
This field of 197-66 is nearly canopied in 38" rows. This very aggressive upright leaf hybrid seems to outpace most competitive varieties during the early growth stages. If you have fields that tend to progress slowly early in the season this may be a hybrid to consider along with 196-77.
This picture is from the same field as an earlier blog post. As you can see the corn has come a long way and is looking excellent! At this point we are far from a drought and I hope it stays that way. This is a great example what heat and good growing conditions has done to our crop.
This is a great time of year to evaluate your soybean weed control program. The bottom picture shows a notill soybean field that did not receive a burn down and pre-emerge herbicide treatment. The other two pictures show different fields that received a burn down and different residual herbicides. The first field was sprayed with Optill and the second with Ledger. Both products contain a grass and broadleaf component. The two programs have the same low cost and most importantly great results. Allowing heavy weed competition costs you lots of yield by robbing your crop of valuable sunlight, water, and fertilizer. Please call with with any questions about your weed control program. I would be happy to evaluate your fields.
March 2021