Channel's new lineup of silage products include 198-98, 192-98, and 210-98. These products deliver big yield and outstanding feed quality. This ridge field of 198-98 is picture perfect even late in the silage harvest season.
A few combines have dipped into fields in the area. Yields seem to be average on the light soil. We will know more very soon. Be safe during harvest 2018!
Side by side of Channel RR2 soybeans (left), RR2 Xtend (right). I am expecting big things out of the Xtend lineup this fall. A lot of great hay was put up during the last couple weeks. Great looking Channel corn silage (shredlage). Stalk rot in very drought stressed corn causing lodging. I would watch corn stalk integrity as we move into harvest.
This older hybrid is still one of the best in the industry. Year after year it delivers high yields of top quality grain. I'm expecting great things from this product!
Lots of corn silage is being harvested in the area. I have been out pulling samples. Please let me know when you are chopping Channel corn, I would love to grab a sample.
I made a mistake on my invites. The event will be on Thursday, September 20th NOT wednesday starting at noon with lunch. The flood wiped out the plots so it will be just a meal and refreshments. Thank you all for your business in 2018. Hope to see you there. Please RSVP by the 12th so I can get a head count to the caterers.
March 2021