A while back my dad stumbled across an ad for this tractor on craigslist. He called me to look at the add to confirm his observation that this might be my Grandpa Bob's Deutz DX110. Sure enough it was! Grandpa bought this tractor new in 1981 and it was sold in 1997 at his farm auction. Dad quickly bought the tractor and I drove it back home. This was the tractor that us kids grew up around. Grandpa smiling ear to ear was very surprised to see his old light green friend. It's funny how you can feel a connection to a piece of iron, but it makes sense when you spend thousands of hours and decades working together.
Harvest is wrapped up and I hope everyone enjoys a successful gun season. I'm hoping to repeat the 2012 hunting season that yielded this great buck. Good luck and be safe!
198-00DG-VT2P on the right out yielded Nutech 5F196 by 35bu/ acre on sandy soil. We also checked 197-66VT2P in a different field with heavier soil. Harvest populations were 27-29k showing the outstanding ear flex!
On my travels today I stopped to look at a field of 200+ bu/acre 192-08VT2P. This 92 day hybrid stood perfectly through the 40 mph winds yesterday. This is an amazing earlier product!
Seed ordering season is in full swing! Now is the best time to take advantage of early order and cash discounts. John Deere and Harvest Plan financing is available on all Channel seed products. I would be happy to stop out and put together a specialized seed plan for your farm. I have the most elite seed products available with industry leading trait packages. Please call 608-487-5945. Thank You!
March 2021