Great looking Channel corn along Cty G in Taylor! The Exceed SAR inoculant helps this Xtend variety develop great nodules. I'm finding large differences in soybean height, color, and development across environments. Soybean selection and placement can be even more critical than corn. As soils dry out areas with lower fertility are starting to show.
This evening I received a call about a massive amount of armyworms moving across a road. They hatched in a sunflower field that had a winter rye cover crop last fall. I would advise people to check fields that had sod or cover crops last fall. There have been reports of heavy infestations all over western wisconsin. This group was moving into soybeans and corn after completely eating all the grass in the sunflower field.
Channel 1818R2X Xtend soybeans filling pods. Great looking New 201-05DG-VT2P along highway 16. Super looking 1917R2X's north of Black River Falls. Plot below the warehouse is all pollinated. Sweet corn is just starting to mature. Next week will be busy!
Waterhemp has become very common throughout the area. This weed has a very massive stem and root system. We do have a few options to control this tough weed. The number 1 way is putting a good pre emerge herbicide down. The Xtend weed control system will be key to killing this sometimes glyphosate resistant weed. I have noticed the deluxe adjuvant packages like Plexus and Veracty II Elite make Roundup applications much more effective as well.
John Jones in Bangor has whole or half hogs for sale. I buy a hog from him every year, and it is wonderful. He hauls it to the butcher for you too. Call John 608-386-5798
Most soybean fields are at the best stages for fungicide and foliar nutrient applications. If you are interested in trying something please let me know.
March 2021