197-66VT2P in Farmer's Valley. 195-18VT2P near Cty X. New 196-40STX near Westby. Closer look at 196-40STX
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. It has been a whirlwind of a year. As harvest winds down it is important to reflect on the year. Take some time to relax and have fun. I got lucky opening morning and harvested this great deer.
A little soybean harvesting action in Melrose. Enjoy!
The deadline for the largest cash and JD financed discount is on the 16th. Please call if u are ready to buy. We can also send money in or submit something to JD to lock in the discount without a solid order. We can sit down later in the year to finalize details. Thank you!
195-18VT2P is a very aggressive heat driven product. It excels on heavy high producing soils. The one weakness it has is drought tolerance, that is where 196-66VT2P takes over. 260 bushel corn at 32,000 population is very impressive. These two products have good stalk quality and stand well late in the season.
Yields are not the only big things in the hills of Taylor. The rut is on and Deeres are moving this morning.
March 2021